July/August 2019: Neighbors/Sisters/Friends

Here's to less time in front of a screen & more time biking, racing on a swingset, getting free bad lunch at the park, walking to Safeway, finding treasures (like wallets & bird feathers), talking/singing/dancing, making up our own gibberish language, eating froyo & donuts, cooking french toast or quesadillas & playing endless games especially 'Clue' from our former neighbor.

(Wellington Park, NE Portland)

(Whose Incredible Car Is This?  We Don't Know!
~NE Sacramento St & 72nd)

 (~NE Sacramento St & 72nd)

 (Annie's Donuts, NE Sandy Blvd & 72nd)

 (~NE Fremont St & 65th)

(Yo Choice, NE Fremont St & 49th)

(Yo Choice, NE Fremont St & 49th)

1 comment:

SK said...

Ah, how important is the Sister.