March 2005: Life On The Equator

Ventana al sol
(Title Translation: Window To The Sun, Barrio La Vicentina, Quito) 
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Borrachos en la mañana
(Title Translation: Drunks In The Morning, Barrio La Vicentina, Quito) 
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(Barrio La Vicentina, Quito) 
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La Susana
(Susana In Igor's Kitchen, Guápulo) 
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(Igor's Driveway, Guápulo) 
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Novios Zach y Alex
(Title Translation: Couple Zach and Alex, Guápulo) 
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carishina said...

These pictures capture the amazing light of love and beauty of a very special time we had in Ecuador! Thanks Steph! these images are a great testament of the beauty of the architecture of la Vicentina and Guapulo, beautiful places in Quito and they also also capture the love and friendship and the amazing moments we lived together.
love you reinita.

SK said...

Thanks Chili. You made my second trip of 10 months back to Quito completely worthwhile. Thanks for sharing your profound knowledge & love of quirk for your beautiful homeland! Xo