March 2014: By The Buffalo Bayou

Flying from Portland, Oregon to Houston, Texas isn't direct.  
Better to visit Texas in winter than summer.
JK & SK are not twins.
JK has an innate gift for reading maps, exploring, finding the hidden, understanding beauty, tour guiding & analyzing.
SK loved what appeared to be a very healthy & natural integration of Mexican & U.S. culture.
Houston has fantastic art (free, public, accesible, prolific) & lots of cars (including art cars).
SK prefers the birds to alligators at Brazos Bend.
Galveston can be windy but pleasant on weekdays.
Ice houses, charity saloons & slushy shandies are all excellent things.
Never shy away from vegan Vietnamese food.
Houston by bike (late-night) is pretty unbeatable; listen for the doves.
Trumpet the cat makes everything better.
We are all Lone Stars.

(Frontier Flight 788 PDX-DEN) 
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(Brazos Bend State Park, Needville) 
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(Brazos Bend State Park, Needville) 
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(Photo Taken By JK, Brazos Bend State Park, Needville) 
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(Downtown Galveston) 
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(Poop Deck, Galveston) 
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(Poop Deck, Galveston) 
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(Photo Taken By Poop Deck Employee, Poop Deck, Galveston) 
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(Shrimp N' Stuff, Galveston) 
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(Twilight Epiphany, Houston) 
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(Photo Taken By JK, Houston) 
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(Photo Taken By JK, Houston)
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(Jimmy's Ice House, Houston)
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(Buddhist Temple, Alief) 
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(Lei Low, Houston) 
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(Alice's Tall Texan, Houston) 
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1 comment:

Linds said...

Trumpet is the best name for a cat!!